
Research Outline

Page history last edited by Jenny Chang 12 years, 3 months ago

I.  Introduction


         A. The motivation and purpose of research writing


         B. The background of my topic and the scope of studies


               1.  Shinkuchan (history and geography location)


               2.  Sando (history and geography location)



II.  Body


         A. The discussion of the academic research (Literature Review)


1.   The definition of commercial district


2.   The definition of consumer behavior



         B. The ways of doing research


1.   The location and people to distribute the questionnaire


2.   Questionnaire design



         C. Analyze the database


1.   Compare a variety of consumer groups in Shinkuchan and Sando commercial districts

                         (including gender, age, profession, income)


2.   Compare the consumer behaviors in these two commercial districts

                         (including mental affections, lifestyles, reasons and factors of buying)


                   3.   The consumers’ preference and satisfaction for these two commercial districts

                         (about services, environment, convenient)

                         (compare these two districts of common objects or common characteristics)




III.  Conclusion


A.  The conclusion of results


B.  The advise to improve

Comments (1)

Aiden Yeh said

at 11:22 am on Oct 12, 2012

You can change the title of this page to research outline and another page on theoretical framework

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